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Event zum Kalender hinzufügen 01/26/2019 12:00am 01/26/2019 12:00am 2019 Vintage Report Paso Robles Vina Robles

Vina Robles

2019 Vintage Report Paso Robles

LAFFORT® USA is a proud sponsor of the annual the Vintage Report Paso Robles January 16th 2019 at Vina Robles.

This year’s vintage report will explore how the climate impacted berry maturity and vine physiology. The driving focus of this year’s program will center around the question: How can we utilize precision agriculture to enhance our understanding of site-specific characteristics? This theme will empower our discussion as we explore utilizing technology to enhance winegrowing practices. Join us as we dive into this topic and look at a seasonal perspective of the 2018 vintage!

Find more about Vintage Report here: https://www.vintagereport.com/en/paso-robles-2018

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